Hi All,
Thanks for all the lovely comments re. my last project.
Earlier this year I decided to buy myself a sewing machine. Now I don't have a great history with sewing machines, was rubbish using them at school, and used to staple my hems up when them came undone. But on one of the last Artsycraft weekends we used one to make a fabric book, which I really enjoyed.
I haven't really used it much (i.e. not at all apart from two basis classes at the local sewing shop), but decided to sign up to a bag making class. The class was a bit of a challenge but I really enjoyed making it, and will be making another one soon.
Sorry for the bad photos, was hard to take a photo of the bag. The bag has pockets both inside and out.
I hope to use my new found sewing skills ;) in another project soon